About the Race
The premiere adventure race of Florida – the Florida Sea to Sea will start March 1, 2018 and finish Sunday, March 4. We will guarantee all teams a solid 72 hours of racing with the best Florida has to offer. If you are unsure what a race like the Sea to Sea is all about, please be sure to check out our First Timer’s Guide. If you landed on this page and want to know more about adventure racing please watch this video.

Race Update #1
Wednesday Night Lodging
I have reserved and will cover the cost of a room for each team on Wednesday night. There are only 40 rooms at the host hotel, I will be posting a secondary hotel for family and friends, as we get closer to race day.
Gear Bins
Each person is allowed one 30-gallon gear bin. Each team will be allowed one Paddle gear bag (paddles, PFDs, and seats) and a 5-gallon bucket with a lid, you must be able to close the lid on the bucket (snacks, dry clothes, etc.). I highly suggest not packing water in your gear bins. Water is being provided by Culligan Water.
The Race
All teams should plan on a full 72 hours of racing. Like last year’s race, we will have a “Time Stop Zone” on Saturday night, allowing all the teams to have a mad dash to the finish on Sunday morning. We will be keeping the course open until noon on Sunday with the post-race banquet and awards at 1 PM. The post-race party will be at Hammock Park, same as check-in and pre-race.
There will be several areas that we use that have time constraints. Teams may be forced to short course a segment if needed.
There will be some cool special tasks during the event. I.e., there will be a Tandem Skydiving Segment for at least one person from each team, their team mates will have to do a different section, meeting up down the course. Solo racers will get credit for clearing the course, if they skip or do the Skydiving segment. As of right now I can only guarantee this special task for the first 30 teams that register, I’m working on adding a few more slots.
Food will be provided late on Friday night and on Saturday night. SandyBottomsBeach.com
We are looking forward to providing all teams a spectacular course and race.
Photos from the course can be seen here.
Race Update #2
Host Hotel… Teams that want to stay extra days or check in before Wednesday Feb. 28th, tell the staff that you are in the “Sea to Sea” for an additional 10% off your accommodations.
People that want to rent bikes. I suggest contacting Norm at DWC. I can arrange to have the bikes dropped off at the host hotel.
David’s World Cycle
362A W Granada Blvd
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
(386) 676-1690
Bikes can be shipped to:
46 Village Drive
Ormond Beach, FL. 32174
More info about the race:
Teams should plan on UTM plotting on the course.
Approximate distances: Boat 100k, Bike 300k, Foot 100k.
We will be using Trackleaders. We are waiting for the info from them to post it on the race page.
If you have any other questions, please contact Craig@FLXadventures.com.
Race Update #3
Do to some private property owners backing out, we had to make some course changes.
Teams that were asking about narrow tires, that might not be a good idea.
Water levels a real high still, you should plan on wet feet in several areas, and one of the boat segments might a little harder to navigate. I heading out right now to replot the CPs on that segment, hopefully to make it a little more racer friendly.
SPOT Tracking
Teams, please go to this page to rent or register your SPOT or inReach tracker. One per team is required. So whether you have your own, or are renting one, please visit this page as soon as possible. Thanks!
Race Update #4
Controls are being set, the game is on!
The weather is going to be perfect for the race, hottest on Thursday 82, with mid 70s for the rest of the race. Lows are expected to be in the high 40s-low 50s. A slight chance of rain on Sunday. Full moon will be Friday night, and possible International Space station sighting from NNW to NNE at about 20° above the horizon, 5:30AMish.
All teams, please register or rent your spot trackers. Instructions for doing so are on the race page. Please do this as quickly as possible!
Also, please let me know how many racers will need to use the FLX PFDs. I am only planning on bring about 6 PFDs unless I hear otherwise. Email me at Craig@FLXadventures.com if you or your team needs PFDs. Thanks. We will have paddles also.
Make sure you have your required glow sticks, and some means to attach them to the canoes/kayaks. I suggest 2-8” or 2-10” zip ties per glowstick and/or duct tape. You will be required to use these at least once, possibly twice, during the race, make sure you have enough.
The 5-gallon buckets will be used to transport a small amount of food or gear to several TAs throughout the race. Make sure they have a lid.
Skydiving? The insurance for USARA is giving me a hard time with this. They had me amend our waivers, FLX and USARA, which they approved, and get a separate insurance policy to cover FLX and USARA, which I did. I got an email Friday afternoon asking for another policy. I am working on that. According to the United States Parachuting Association the coverage that is now being asked for, doesn’t exist. I will know more on Tuesday afternoon. I am trying hard to make this happen, but we may need to cancel it.
If this does happen, the 5-gallon bucket will be for the person who is skydiving, to put dry warm clothes in, for jumping, altitude of jump is 10,000’-14,000’.
There will be several areas where I may need teams to skip a segment, to maintain the race pace. Teams will not be penalized in these areas, they just won’t have the chance to collect those CPs. If the Skydiving is allowed, all teams may be put on hold on Friday night, so teams can make it to the Skydiving area during the daylight. I also reserve the right to freeze Ron’s and/or Manny’s teams to fix leaderboard problems, should any arise.
There is a Publix near the host hotel and check in. There are several restaurants in the area.
Stay tuned for more possible updates. I will be posting the CPs on our FB page, facebook.com/flxadventures/
See you in just over a week,
SandyBottom’s Food Truck will be providing race food on Friday night, Saturday night, and post race party. Vegan and Vegetarian options will be available.
Culligan will be providing all the drinking water for the race.
REI, Winter Park, Florida
Host Hotel:
Palm Coast Villas (map)
5454 North Ocean Shore Boulevard (A1A)
Palm Coast, Florida 32137
Check-In / Pre-Race Meeting / Finish Line:
Hammock Park (map)
79 Mala Compra Rd.
Palm Coast, FL 32137
Dates and Agenda: Feb 28 – Mar 4, 2018
Wednesday, February 28 – Check-in (2:00PM-7:00PM) and Pre-Race meeting (7:00PM) at Hammock Park. All teams will have hotel room in host hotel.
Thursday, March 1 – 9:30AM – Race Start
Sunday, March 4 – 12:00PM – Race End
Sunday, March 4 – 1:00PM – post-race banquet and awards.
Q: How many gear bins can we bring?
- (1) 30-gallon gear bin per racer
- (1) 5-gallon bucket (with lid) per team
- (1) Paddle gear bag per team
Q: Can we have a support crew?
Only Relay teams can have a support crew. All Elite teams will be supported by the race staff. The race staff will transport all bikes, gear bins, paddling equipment, and boats.
Looking for a Team?
If you are looking for a team to join, or looking to find some teammates, please feel free to post a message on the Florida Adventure Racing Facebook page.
Live Tracking:
Spectators can follow the teams live (starting at 9:30AM on Mar 1) at the following page:
S2S Teams
Please go to this page to rent or register your SPOT or inReach tracker. One per team is required. So whether you have your own, or are renting one, please visit this page as soon as possible. Thanks!
All registered teams will have a reserved hotel room at the host hotel in Palm Coast as part of the race entry fee on Wednesday night. The host hotel is the Palm Coast Villas. Teams can reserve additional rooms by contacting the hotel.
Early registration ends: 01/30/2018
Please note, if you register after early registration ends, you might not receive a race specific t-shirt.
Registration Fees:
Per Racer Fee | $550 | $650 |
Per Racer Fee | $450 | $550 |